Monday 11 June 2007

The elephants make progress at last!

Yesterday I had masses of bookkeeping to do but I promised myself that I would make time for some art late afternoon so I could update my blog in the evening. So I spent some time drawing and took some photos - only to find our server was down and I couldn't get online. My husband was worried that I would get withdrawal symptoms LOL! Better late than never though, here is an update of African Journey. I think it's just ok, no more than that - I'm really only continuing with it because I do learn something from every piece. And I don't like giving up on things! There's still a lot to do - I am not looking forward to all that grass - but it is slowly taking shape.


Anonymous said...

This is coming along nicely Karen, stick with it, I am sure that you will be really pleased in the end.Havnt tried an elephant myself all those wrinkles lol.

oldcrow61 said...

It's wonderful Karen.