Tuesday 22 May 2007

African journey - wip one

Hooray! Today I've finally started on my elephants which I think will be titled 'African journey', though that may change. I'm only at the very beginning, but I'm enjoying and liking it so far. It probably won't have the detail that my dog drawings do, I think it's going to be a bit more 'impressionist' - if that's the right word, mainly because it's difficult to see the fine details in the photo reference. Btw the photo has been supplied Sue, my friend who has just been to South Africa to compete in an Iron Man competition. Anyway, here's the first work in progress shot.

I spent yesterday afternoonon on a shopping expedition to check out some cameras and I'm pretty sure I've decided which one to buy and I'm quite excited at the thought of having a camera that has full manual controls - even though I'll probably take a lot of terrible shots to begin with!
I had a beautiful walk this morning (with Mary from Forest walks blog) at Shatterford, I could have done with that new camera as we saw a small group of deer. Luckily the dogs were on leads so we got to take a good number of pics before they moved on but they were just too far away to get anything really good. I posted the best one on Flickr plus several lovely foal photos and a great capture of a pony having a good roll.

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